When searching for locations online it is important to spell them correctly, but you might be surprised by how many are commonly misspelled.
Here is a list of misspellings of American States that we encountered in the creation of this website, which we have compiled into this useful list. Originally we were tracking these to improve our site's search functionality and increase the positive match rates, but we're now sharing the information with anyone creating similar services or who is just interested.
If you are aware of any more common misspellings, please feel free to submit them for inclusion in this compilation. Thank you.
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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
A | |
Alabama | Commonly misspelled as Allabama |
Alabama | Commonly misspelled as Alabamma |
Alaska | Commonly misspelled as Alsaka |
Arizona | Commonly misspelled as Arizonia |
Arizona | Commonly misspelled as Arzinoa |
C | |
California | Commonly misspelled as Califronia |
Colorado | Commonly misspelled as Calorado |
Colorado | Commonly misspelled as Colarado |
Connecticut | Commonly misspelled as connecticutt |
Connecticut | Commonly misspelled as conneticutt |
Connecticut | Commonly misspelled as connetticut |
Connecticut | Commonly misspelled as connetticutt |
Connecticut | Commonly misspelled as conneticut |
D | |
Delaware | Commonly misspelled as Delawere |
F | |
Florida | Commonly misspelled as Floridas |
Florida | Commonly misspelled as Floryda |
Florida | Commonly misspelled as Florda |
Florida | Commonly misspelled as Flordia |
G | |
Georgia | Commonly misspelled as Georgeia |
Georgia | Commonly misspelled as Georgea |
H | |
Hawaii | Commonly misspelled as Hawai |
Hawaii | Commonly misspelled as Howaii |
Hawaii | Commonly misspelled as Hawii |
Hawaii | Commonly misspelled as Hawaai |
I | |
Idaho | Commonly misspelled as Idahoe |
Idaho | Commonly misspelled as Ideho |
Illinois | Commonly misspelled as Illanoise |
Iowa | Commonly misspelled as Iowha |
Iowa | Commonly misspelled as Ioaw |
Iowa | Commonly misspelled as Iwoa |
K | |
Kentucky | Commonly misspelled as kentuky |
Kentucky | Commonly misspelled as kentucy |
L | |
Louisiana | Commonly misspelled as Louiseiana |
M | |
Maine | Commonly misspelled as main |
Maine | Commonly misspelled as miane |
Maine | Commonly misspelled as miane |
Maryland | Commonly misspelled as mary land |
Maryland | Commonly misspelled as marryland |
Massachusetts | Commonly misspelled as Massachussetts |
Massachusetts | Commonly misspelled as Masachusetts |
Massachusetts | Commonly misspelled as Masachusets |
Massachusetts | Commonly misspelled as Massachussets |
Michigan | Commonly misspelled as michgan |
Michigan | Commonly misspelled as michagin |
Michigan | Commonly misspelled as michagan |
Minnesota | Commonly misspelled as Minesota |
Mississippi | Commonly misspelled as Mississipi |
Mississippi | Commonly misspelled as Misouri |
Mississippi | Commonly misspelled as Missisipi |
Mississippi | Commonly misspelled as Missoury |
Mississippi | Commonly misspelled as Missisippi |
N | |
Nebraska | Commonly misspelled as Nebrascka |
Nevada | Commonly misspelled as Nevadaa |
Nevada | Commonly misspelled as Newvada |
Nevada | Commonly misspelled as Navada |
New Hampshire | Commonly misspelled as NewHampshire |
New Jersey | Commonly misspelled as newjersey |
New Mexico | Commonly misspelled as NewMexico |
New York | Commonly misspelled as Newyork |
North Carolina | Commonly misspelled as North Caroleina |
North Dakota | Commonly misspelled as n.dak |
North Dakota | Commonly misspelled as northdakota |
North Dakota | Commonly misspelled as ndak |
O | |
Ohio | Commonly misspelled as Oiho |
Oklahoma | Commonly misspelled as Okalahoma |
Oregon | Commonly misspelled as Orgon |
P | |
Pennsylvania | Commonly misspelled as Pensylvania |
R | |
Rhode Island | Commonly misspelled as road island |
Rhode Island | Commonly misspelled as rhodeisland |
Rhode Island | Commonly misspelled as rode island |
Rhode Island | Commonly misspelled as rhod island |
S | |
South Carolina | Commonly misspelled as southcarolina |
South Carolina | Commonly misspelled as sout carolin |
South Carolina | Commonly misspelled as south carolna |
South Carolina | Commonly misspelled as souh carolia |
South Carolina | Commonly misspelled as south carolina |
South Dakota | Commonly misspelled as southdakota |
T | |
Tennessee | Commonly misspelled as Tennesee |
Tennessee | Commonly misspelled as Tennisse |
Tennessee | Commonly misspelled as Tennissee |
Tennessee | Commonly misspelled as Tennisee |
Texas | Commonly misspelled as texes |
Texas | Commonly misspelled as texis |
U | |
Utah | Commonly misspelled as Utes |
Utah | Commonly misspelled as Utar |
W | |
West Virginia | Commonly misspelled as West Virgina |
West Virginia | Commonly misspelled as West Virgnia |
Wyoming | Commonly misspelled as Whyoming |
Wyoming | Commonly misspelled as Wioming |
Wyoming | Commonly misspelled as Wisconson |
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