The Green Office – Recycling

Office Recycling
Every office should have a recycling scheme in place, our planet is our responsibility and the waste recycling habits you keep at home should be continued in the workplace. There are many types of waste products that can be recycled in the office, from paper to computers.
Minimising the waste is the best place to start, for instance before printing off something, decide if you really need to. Use double sided photocopying where possible. Putting up posters reminding employees to recycle, internal newsletters and meetings are good ways to bring home the importance of recycling in the office. You should also purchase recycled products where possible.
Paper Recycling:
You should have separate waste baskets for paper, white paper and colored or glossy magazines and newspapers.
Plastic, Tin, and Glass Recycling:
Plastic cups and plastic packaging materials should be recycled along with glass bottles, jars and tin cans.
Card and Cardboard:
Have a box or bin for cardboard
Ink cartridges:
Many used ink cartridges can be sent back to the supplier for recycling
Computers and Hardware:
Find out if there is a computer recycling company in your area, the same goes for CDRoms, printers and photocopiers
By purchasing recycled products, minimising waste and recycling as much as you can in the office, you will be doing your part to keep your office green.