May 4th, 2016
What is considered acceptable use of social media in the modern workplace? How can what you post on social media both in and out of the office be used against you?
Although in many cases U.S. laws and regulations have not kept pace with all the latest developments, legislators and employment specialists have become increasingly aware of the issues. Facebook has over one billion users, with Twitter boasting around 500 million – and LinkedIn around half that.
Understandably, many employers were reported as having noted this tendency with some degree of alarm, voicing fears such as reduced productivity, adverse publicity and a possible trend in work-related claims and liability. Some have wondered about their rights to ban social media usage in the workplace – yet these same employers have seen their levels of businesses grow in many cases due to social media’s innate ability to market products and services to new customers. Companies also hire bloggers, endorsers or community managers to take advantage of the phenomenon.
In addition, employee morale is usually higher with access. What is clear, however, is that social media policies are just as important an area as any other (such as vacations, special leave and anti-discrimination) in contracts of employment and the general relationships between employers and employees.
As social media developed, some government agencies began issuing guidance. While some of this has been based on common sense and an intuitive approach, other examples have been less so. Specifically, some NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) pronouncements on the subject have been viewed as self-contradictory and confusing. The NLRB has received most of its press attention for supporting the employee right of engaging in concerted activities. Here, one key test is whether any one employer policy would reasonably have the effect of distressing employees; such clauses are deemed invalid in employment contracts. The Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEC) has also taken an interest in the question. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Business Advice, Social Media, USA-Employee-Rights, Workplace Regulations
Posted in Business Advice, Employee Rights, Employment and Worklife, Employment Regulations, Office-code-of-conduct | No Comments »
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November 13th, 2014
The office Christmas party is coming up and you want to have a good time, but you do not want to do something that you could regret. When the good times start to roll, it can be difficult to remember that you have to work with just about everyone at the office Christmas party and you will see them all year long. It can also be difficult to censor your language around your boss and his family.
The best way to have fun at the office Christmas party and still retain your dignity, and your job, is to have a plan in place before you head out to have fun. With a little preparation and planning, you can have a great time and be the life of the party without doing anything you would regret.
Eat Before You Head Out
If there will be alcohol served at the office Christmas party and you plan on enjoying a few cocktails, then eat before you head out to reduce the effects of the alcohol. If you eat a full meal with breads and meats, then you will have plenty in your stomach to absorb the alcohol you consume.
When you are at the party, you should have a few appetizers before you drink to add to your food buffer. Avoid eating to the point where you feel stuffed, but eat enough to help you control the effects of drinking.
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Tags: Christmas, Office Etiquette, Office-manners
Posted in Christmas, Office Etiquette, Office Relations, Office-code-of-conduct | No Comments »
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September 19th, 2008

Office dress codes vary from employer to employer, and since, in your professional life, a book really is judged by its cover, it’s very important to dress appropriately. Sticking to what is considered professional and acceptable at your workplace is crucial. If you are just starting your new job it’s always better to dress smartly until you can observe what other co-workers are wearing.
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Tags: Office Etiquette, Office Relations, Office-code-of-conduct, Office-tips
Posted in Employment Regulations, Office Etiquette, Office-code-of-conduct | No Comments »
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