Posts Tagged ‘Office-manners’

Office Christmas Party Survival Guide

November 13th, 2014

The office Christmas party is coming up and you want to have a good time, but you do not want to do something that you could regret. When the good times start to roll, it can be difficult to remember that you have to work with just about everyone at the office Christmas party and you will see them all year long. It can also be difficult to censor your language around your boss and his family.

The best way to have fun at the office Christmas party and still retain your dignity, and your job, is to have a plan in place before you head out to have fun. With a little preparation and planning, you can have a great time and be the life of the party without doing anything you would regret.

Eat Before You Head Out

If there will be alcohol served at the office Christmas party and you plan on enjoying a few cocktails, then eat before you head out to reduce the effects of the alcohol. If you eat a full meal with breads and meats, then you will have plenty in your stomach to absorb the alcohol you consume.

When you are at the party, you should have a few appetizers before you drink to add to your food buffer. Avoid eating to the point where you feel stuffed, but eat enough to help you control the effects of drinking.
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Your First Day

September 29th, 2008

Making a good impression –

Just like starting high school, your first day at a new job can be a bit scary. Will they like me, will I fit in, can I do it? Well, you’re a grown up now, and you got the job, so you can do the job! Remember it’s not a popularity contest, you’re not being judged on whether you’re a cheerleader or a jock, it’s about being professional and doing your job to the best of your ability. Be polite, professional and introduce yourself to your new co-workers, try not to leave anyone out, from the mail boy to the CEO.

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Getting along in the Office

September 15th, 2008

It’s almost impossible to get along with absolutely everybody you work with. There will always be someone who rubs you the wrong way, who is loud, argumentative or just plain irritating. What you need to remember is that you’re professional, and you can’t let personal problems with other people in the office get in the way of your work. How you deal with your co-workers reflects on you professionally, if your boss has to continually be sorting out -school yard- problems it won’t look good.

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