October 13th, 2022

Median Salary vs. Average Salary: How Much are Office Workers Really Paid?
Given the renewed relevancy of the office as a working environment, we believe it is a prudent time to examine how much the average American office worker earns, by age.
Median and average salary figures are both commonly used when exploring fair compensation in the workplace. Average salary data is determined by adding together all salaries earned by a particular group and dividing this figure by the number of people in the group, whilst median salary data is derived by arranging salaries from low to high and selecting the midpoint. A lot of people refer to these terms interchangeably, however, most prefer to compare salaries against the median wage – as it isn’t as impacted by the dramatic ends of the spectrum.
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Tags: 2022, administration, age, average salaries, office jobs, Office Space, pay, salary, statistics, wage
Posted in 2022, Office Relations, Office Talk, Salary Expectations, Trends and Statistics | No Comments »
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May 1st, 2014

When it comes to earnings potential not all colleges are what they seem.
Most people would think that graduates from Harvard, Stanford or Brown Universities would get the highest paying jobs upon graduation. Interestingly these Universities all actually sit in 8th place on the Pay-Scale Ranking with salaries upon graduation at $61,300; $55,300 and $52,300 respectively. The mid-career median pay for all is $119,000.
The PayScale Ranking for 2013-14 reviewed more than 1,000 schools and 130 majors. According to their research the highest paying Universities were:
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Tags: college, pay, salary
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