Posts Tagged ‘Greener Offices’

How to save money on your office utility bills

October 9th, 2012

When you’re in business, you learn the importance of saving money wherever you can. It’s a matter of stability and fiscal intelligence that cannot be overlooked if a business is to remain solvent. Even the smallest changes can result in huge savings over a long-term stretch of time. Nowhere is this ethic more applicable than the lowering of the utility bills in your office. Just a few small changes can help save your office a lot of money over time.


Any business owner who has performed research on saving money on utilities has heard one term repeatedly: efficiency. Efficiency is one of the most important factors when it comes to saving money on utilities. Efficient appliances use less electricity to produce better results. Efficient windows and insulation allow for lower rates of thermal exchange, saving business owners on heating and cooling.

Business owners should consider hiring an efficiency expert to perform an energy audit on the office. This audit will cover all of the usual energy wasters that can be found in any office around the world. The expert will then be able to provide an actionable list of steps that can be taken to create a more efficient office space. Read the rest of this entry »