Posts Tagged ‘Office Health’

Colors in the Workplace: Leveraging Office Color Psychology

January 31st, 2023

colorful office building facade examples of colors in the workplace image at

The use of color in an office space has a significant impact on the atmosphere of the workplace and on those that occupy it. The right combination of colors can enhance the overall design, improve the functionality of the space, and create a more positive and productive work environment. 

According to the Institute for Color Research, within 90 seconds of first viewing, people make a subconscious judgement about a space or a product, and between 62% and 90% of that evaluation is based only on color. Additionally, in a ground-breaking study, the University of Texas discovered that when presented with different colors, varying brain responses can affect employee productivity and attitude.

In this article, we will discuss the power of color in offices by delving into the evidence surrounding color psychology, and the impact lighting and materials have on color, and how this should combine to be applied to office design. So, after reading, office interior designers, occupiers and landlords should gain some insight into how to use color to enhance the overall design of spaces, and improve the functionality and productivity of the office environment.

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Introducing Pets into the Workplace, a Smart Idea or Barking up the Wrong Tree?

January 11th, 2021

The office can be a stressful place at times, particularly when deadlines are looming and clients are expecting results fast. These stresses can result in negativity, tension, anxiety, and an overwhelming sense of dread, feelings which can ultimately impact productivity and mental wellbeing. Companies across the globe have worked tirelessly to combat these workplace stresses, introducing comprehensive strategies to improve the wellbeing of their employees and cultivate a healthy working environment. Introducing pets into the workplace is one such plan that can, if implemented correctly, positively impact employees by improving morale, reducing stress, easing anxiety, and increasing job satisfaction.

Amazon is a prime example of a global company that has successfully introduced pets through their long-standing tradition of bringing dogs into their Seattle headquarters, a space which is now home to as many as 7,000 dogs on any given workday! The example set by large companies such as Amazon has inspired countless other businesses to adopt similar initiatives, resulting in pets becoming increasingly common in the workplace, particularly in millennial-driven organizations and  creative offices that encourage collaboration.

But what exactly do you need to know before introducing your furry friend to the workplace and what benefits or downsides can come from bringing your pet to work?

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The Dangers of Sitting for Long Periods of Time at Work

September 19th, 2014

Who would have thought that the simple act of sitting could be so dangerous to a person’s health? But more and more medical researchers are releasing information indicating that sitting for long periods of time can cause a variety of physical ailments. Since many Americans sit for hours a day at their jobs, this kind of information can be both enlightening and frightening. There is a lot to be said for getting up out of your chair and stretching every once in a while.

Organ Troubles 

When you sit for hours and hours, your blood flow slows and creates problems for several of your internal organs. Since the blood is not flowing, that means that fats can accumulate in your arteries and lead to issues such as high blood pressure and heart disease. When your muscles are idle from sitting, they tend to ignore the insulin being created by your pancreas. This causes the pancreas to keep pumping out insulin and, over time, can lead to diabetes.

Muscle Atrophy and Distortion

As you would expect, the muscles in your back, legs, and abdomen suffer when you sit for hours and hours. But what you probably did not know is that your hip and thigh muscles are also getting soft and that creates problems for your hip joints. Your glutes also get soft and that can put extra strain on your spine. Read the rest of this entry »

The Importance of Taking the Weekend Off

August 20th, 2014

Working too much has the potential to give a person unnecessary anxiety and stress. If you never take time for yourself on the weekends, you run the risk of depression, weight gain, anxiety and even a heart attack. Many industries are beginning to recognize the importance of promoting work-free weekends. A recently published Slate article indicated that even the investment banking industry has instituted work-free weekends for employees due to the manner in which they promote a worker’s health and productivity.

Promoting Productivity in the Office

Those who continuously work and fail to take time off of work are likely to suffer from burn out from their jobs. A two-day weekend gives a worker the chance to get away from his or her office responsibilities and recharge the batteries. After spending a weekend away from work, an employee can feel renewed and refreshed on Monday morning. An employee is able to focus on the task at hand and has increased levels of concentration.

Getting the Exercise You Need

The weekend gives many employees the opportunity to get in a good workout. During the week, some workers may find that it is nearly impossible to get to the gym. The weekend provides an employee with an uninterrupted period of time in which he or she can work out for hours at a time. Those who have to sit for extended periods of time may find that the weekend provides a welcome break from sedentary habits. Sitting for extended periods of time has been linked to serious health issues like heart attacks, death and cancer. Read the rest of this entry »

Office Health and Safety

March 4th, 2014

It is easy to take health and safety in the office for granted, until someone gets injured in an accident that could have been prevented. The Occupational Health & Safety Administration, also known as OSHA, has a comprehensive set of guidelines that every office can follow to keep workers safe.

When it comes to office safety, there are some key areas to consider. Your office desks, cubicles, and office accessories all need to be treated with the proper respect if you are going to avoid accidents and injuries. The worst mistake you can make is assuming that you are safe from danger just because you are in an office.

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Staying Healthy at the Office

February 7th, 2013

Going to work each day can become a difficult task if you are constantly battling with illnesses. Staying healthy in the office is an important part of work, and there things that you can do that will help you stay as healthy as possible. A lot of employees become tired during the day or they may feel weak and lethargic. While these are common problems, there are ways to beat them. Following these tips may offer more insight to you regarding this subject, and this might help you with your battle of staying healthy in the office.

The Importance of Good Posture

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H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)

June 14th, 2009

Swine Flu or the Novel Influenza A H1N1 virus is sweeping the USA, with more cases being reported daily. The World Health Organisation (WHO) raised the pandemic alert level to Phase 6 on the 11th of June 2009. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)’has issued advice and guidelines along with taking steps to respond to the outbreak.

We all need to be aware of the symptoms so that we can recognize if someone has the virus and what to do next. The symptoms of Swine Flu are very similar to seasonal flu and include:

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