Posts Tagged ‘Office Talk’

Smoking in the Workplace

October 13th, 2009

SmokingA report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration has revealed which occupations have higher levels of smokers. Of all the full time employees in the United States aged between 18 and 64, 28% had smoked cigarettes in the previous month. Food-service workers came in highest with 45% having smoked during that same period. The second highest groups are construction workers and miners, coming in at 42.9%.

The study also showed that people who work in training, education and library fields smoke the least, with only 12.3% having lit up in the previous month.

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The Green Office – Recycling

April 23rd, 2009
Office Recycling

Office Recycling

Every office should have a recycling scheme in place, our planet is our responsibility and the waste recycling habits you keep at home should be continued in the workplace. There are many types of waste products that can be recycled in the office, from paper to computers.

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Weird and Wacky buildings from around the World

March 10th, 2009

Interested in odd or unusual architecture? We have compiled a list of our favorites for your viewing pleasure, some defy all reason, if not gravity!

Stone House (Guimaraes, Portugal)

Stone House (Guimaraes, Portugal)

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Keeping your desk organized

November 3rd, 2008

If your desk is covered in clutter, you may find it hard to locate important documents, organize your work or just find space to put your coffee mug! An in/out tray can help, plus you will be able to see how your doing on completing projects or correspondence. You need to ensure that your chair is at the correct height for you, and that you PC monitor is also at the correct eye level. A good lamp is also important. Read the rest of this entry »

How to get Give n Take in a meeting

October 14th, 2008

It can be difficult to get audience participation during a meeting. How many meetings have you been to where the chairperson asks a question only to be met by deafening silence? – Cue the tumbleweed. There are lots of reasons for this, from fear of saying the wrong thing, to genuine shyness to people just not listening. Getting people to contribute is important, you need fresh ideas, opinions or just to make sure your audience understands what the key issues are.

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How to get a raise during the Credit Crunch

October 13th, 2008

In these trying economic times, asking for a raise might seem like career kamikaze, however if you do your research and plan effectively you can find the best way to ask for one.

Ask your boss for a review meeting, this way you’re in control of setting the agenda. Research the employment market, find out what salaries are being offered for your level of expertise. You need to have the facts and figures to show you know what you’re worth.

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Making Presentations look easy (Even when we know they’re not!)

October 6th, 2008

If you want to ‘sell’ your ideas to your own or another company, there are a few ways to conduct a professional and productive presentation without all the stress and mess. Planning is very important, if you arrive unprepared and try to wing it, you won’t impress anybody. You need to have all the facts and figures written down, be ready for questions and try to keep within your time limit.

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