Posts Tagged ‘Office Relations’

Introducing Pets into the Workplace, a Smart Idea or Barking up the Wrong Tree?

January 11th, 2021

The office can be a stressful place at times, particularly when deadlines are looming and clients are expecting results fast. These stresses can result in negativity, tension, anxiety, and an overwhelming sense of dread, feelings which can ultimately impact productivity and mental wellbeing. Companies across the globe have worked tirelessly to combat these workplace stresses, introducing comprehensive strategies to improve the wellbeing of their employees and cultivate a healthy working environment. Introducing pets into the workplace is one such plan that can, if implemented correctly, positively impact employees by improving morale, reducing stress, easing anxiety, and increasing job satisfaction.

Amazon is a prime example of a global company that has successfully introduced pets through their long-standing tradition of bringing dogs into their Seattle headquarters, a space which is now home to as many as 7,000 dogs on any given workday! The example set by large companies such as Amazon has inspired countless other businesses to adopt similar initiatives, resulting in pets becoming increasingly common in the workplace, particularly in millennial-driven organizations and  creative offices that encourage collaboration.

But what exactly do you need to know before introducing your furry friend to the workplace and what benefits or downsides can come from bringing your pet to work?

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Office Romances

May 14th, 2010

Dating in the workplace can be a dangerous sport, if all goes well and you end up marrying the person then good for you. It can be much easier to get to know someone at work, you spend so much time together already, you have plenty of common ground and shared interests.

If you end up with a nasty breakup and you still have to see the person sitting across from you everyday then it’s another matter altogether.

One survey says 40% of workers succumb to office romances. You need to be aware of the pitfalls before making the decision, especially if your company has a policy forbidding dating.

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Office Team Building

May 15th, 2009

Working as a team is essential to the overall success of you businesses and developing an effective teamwork structure within your organization takes understanding and experience. Belonging to a team and contributing to the ‘whole’ produces far greater results than everyone going it alone and will improve motivation and communication. Each individual has a particular job within group, but you are all striving for the same goals and the same overall objectives, so being able to see the bigger picture is very important.

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New Years Resolutions for 2009

January 1st, 2009

With the ringing in of the New Year come personal resolutions. Whether it be giving up smoking,
joining a gym, learning a new skill or giving up fast food, we all make them and usually manage to keep them, at least through January. But how about making New Year resolutions for your workplace? It could help you to aim for some goals in your career and improve your work life. Read the rest of this entry »

Thanksgiving Office Party Ideas

November 9th, 2008

With Thanksgiving coming up, we have come up with a few ideas to help you celebrate together as colleagues. The holiday of Thanksgiving can be celebrated by all of your employees, so it would be a nice touch if the company held a Thanksgiving party as a way to wish everyone a happy holiday. Perhaps you could ask for volunteers to be part of a Thanksgiving Party Committee, or elect them.

A ‘pot luck’ can be a great idea, where everyone brings in a dish. It may be a good idea to create a list of food items for people to choose from and tick off, so you don’t end up with seven bowls of yams.-It is also important to remember that someone may be vegetarian, have allergies or other dietary requirements. Read the rest of this entry »

Company Celebrations

October 22nd, 2008

It’s easy to ensure employees feel valued. From birthdays to engagements to baby showers, there are many important dates throughout the year that should be celebrated with your co-workers. It’s good for both morale and team building, and really doesn’t have to take much time, effort or money.

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How to get Give n Take in a meeting

October 14th, 2008

It can be difficult to get audience participation during a meeting. How many meetings have you been to where the chairperson asks a question only to be met by deafening silence? – Cue the tumbleweed. There are lots of reasons for this, from fear of saying the wrong thing, to genuine shyness to people just not listening. Getting people to contribute is important, you need fresh ideas, opinions or just to make sure your audience understands what the key issues are.

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How to get a raise during the Credit Crunch

October 13th, 2008

In these trying economic times, asking for a raise might seem like career kamikaze, however if you do your research and plan effectively you can find the best way to ask for one.

Ask your boss for a review meeting, this way you’re in control of setting the agenda. Research the employment market, find out what salaries are being offered for your level of expertise. You need to have the facts and figures to show you know what you’re worth.

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Your First Day

September 29th, 2008

Making a good impression –

Just like starting high school, your first day at a new job can be a bit scary. Will they like me, will I fit in, can I do it? Well, you’re a grown up now, and you got the job, so you can do the job! Remember it’s not a popularity contest, you’re not being judged on whether you’re a cheerleader or a jock, it’s about being professional and doing your job to the best of your ability. Be polite, professional and introduce yourself to your new co-workers, try not to leave anyone out, from the mail boy to the CEO.

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Dressing for the Office

September 19th, 2008

Office dress codes vary from employer to employer, and since, in your professional life, a book really is judged by its cover, it’s very important to dress appropriately. Sticking to what is considered professional and acceptable at your workplace is crucial. If you are just starting your new job it’s always better to dress smartly until you can observe what other co-workers are wearing.

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